William C. Meili. Attorney at Law. Security Clearances, Professional Licenses, and Officer Resignations. - return to home page
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Unqualified Resignation by a Probationary Officer
Client Testimonial #3

Unqualified Resignations - June 2014

Honor, courage, commitment, and, most importantly, integrity, are four words used to describe the expected attributes of a United States Sailor. I can remember training staff repeatedly defining integrity as, "doing the right thing, even when no one is looking".

Immediately following training, I arrived to the fleet. I was excited and never felt like a greater patriot serving alongside people who received equal training and who I believed shared the same passion for serving others. At least training had lead me to believe this. Unfortunately, my expectations of what the Naval Fleet would be led to great disappointment when everything I hoped for was ripped from my hands. Only months after entering the fleet, I witnessed behavior in the ranks that was negligent and unethical, no matter what moral compass one uses. Quickly, I became the only witness for an investigation that would lead to numerous, varying charges. And then, almost immediately, I became an outsider in my command: shunned, ostracized, and considered an enemy for doing what is right and correct, and expected - according to Naval training. My life became lonely and darkness was closing-in.

I feared that legal action would be taken against me. My nights became turmoil instead of rest. I began praying for a way out. The reality was that my future in the Navy was bleak. My days were growing ever darker and my desperate longing to serve people needed revival. After doing an internet search, I came across www.meililaw.com mixed in among numerous Navy regulations and instructions. The website was not listed on the first page, but it was there, and it was the only attorney, so I visited the website. I immediately sent an email to the address listed on the site. Next, I prayed that whoever opened the email would have a heart to listen because the information I provided was vague. The next business day, I received a reply with an offer for a telephone call. The telephone call changed the course of things from darkness to a glimmer of hope. As Bill Meili joined my team, the glimmers of hope brightened. After several weeks of reconnaissance, Mr. Meili made a move on my behalf, and instantly, hope became strong. Of course, in our journey there were many dark and difficult days, but working with Mr. Meili reinforced hope in the next day and the destiny I was pursuing. Today, as I separate from the United States Navy, with an Honorable discharge and full benefits, I can honestly say that finding Mr. Meili that day on the Internet was a miracle. Moreover, because of Mr. Meili, I received TAD orders away from my command, my Skipper and XO became allies, and Personnel Command heard my voice through those who speak louder.

I end with a simple statement. Thank you. Bill Meili became the vehicle for me to reach my destiny, and for justice to prevail in my case. If any service member or professional ever asked if Meili Law could help them, without hesitation, I would say "yes, no matter what the cost".


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