About Bill Meili Security Clearances Professional Licenses Officer Resignations Resources Contact

William C. Meili - Attorney at Law

William C. Meili is a military lawyer and veteran criminal defense attorney with over 26 years of military law and civilian legal experience.

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  • Home: Our law firm, primarily focused on security clearances and professional licenses, uses the art and craft of negotiation, a well-developed and seasoned skill in communication and advocacy, a detailed knowledge of the facts, law, regulations to fashion a winning defense.
  • About the Attorney: Bill Meili now uses the experience and background training he received as both a military and civilian prosecutor to enhance his defense of military and civilian clients charged with all manner of offenses, both criminal and administrative in nature.
  • Security Clearances: I can help you save your security clearance if you already have one and it's been suspended or is in danger of being revoked. And I can help you estaqblish eligibility if you're seeking to obtain a clearance, Appeals (DOHA), or similar federal regulatory agencies.
  • Professional Licenses: When it becomes necessary, therefore, for the license holder to show cause and re-establish trust. And that's what I help my clients do. I learn everything I can about my client -- warts and all -- and then I tell that person's story to the right people, in the right way, at the right time.
  • Officer Resignations: If you’re an AMEDD officer, contemplating resigning your commission — or if you’re already bogged down in the process and need additional assistance — please give my office a call.
  • Resources: Resources.
  • Contact the Firm: The firm's principal offices are in Dallas at 6116 Norht Central Expressway, Suite 1090, Dallas, Texas 75206. As an experienced military attorney and criminal defense lawyer, Bill Meili has the capability, resources, and networks to handle cases throughout the United States and globally.

Other Related Topics

Related Keywords: Military Law, IRR Delay and Exemption, Involuntary Recall from the Individual Ready Reserve, Appeals, Army IRR Mobilization, Marine IRR Screening, Juvenile Law, Criminal Defense, Professional License Law, Court Martial Defense, AWOL cases, Administrative Eliminations - Discharges - Separations, Security Clearance Denial, Captain's Mast Cases

Website / Resources

Contact Information

Contact William C. Meili via phone or email:

Office Phone: 214-363-1828
24-Hour Helpline: 214-536-3888



Disclaimer: The information presented on this website is not intended to be legal advice regarding your specific situation and is not intended to replace the work or advice of an attorney. Accessing this website and/or any web pages on this website does not create either an expressed or implied attorney-client relationship. Additionally, past results achieved in our cases -- as reflected in our listed case summaries and testimonials are, of course, not a guarantee of future results. Each case is unique, stands on its own merits, and reference must be made to the specific legal and factual circumstances presented.